Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mask of Magnaminty

I have seen the future, and in it, my entire skincare routine consists of Lush products. And my wallet isn't very happy about it. I've seriously been loving Lush stuff these past months, starting when I got Grease Lightening. But now I've come to rave about another skincare product that actually gets a lot of love online - the Mask of Magnaminty.
A friend of mine actually bought it, and gave me about two or three masks worth. Before I started using it I used to get really big pimples that generally left horrible scars, but ever since the first use I've been amazed at how clear my skin has been. So when I realized that I didn't have much left from what my friend gave me, I rushed to Lush and bought my own pot. It doesn't come cheap (here it was $5.900 Chilean pesos, about $12 US dollars, for the small pot of 4.4 oz), but I think it's worth it.
Since it's not one of their fresh masks, this one lasts up to four months, and you really don't need a lot to cover your whole face. I usually leave it one for about 15 minutes and then gently rub it before taking it off in the shower.
The only thing I don't really like is the smell - at first I thought it had gone bad (I even asked my friend if it was near the expiration date), but I ended up getting used to it after the second use.
 Mask of Magnaminty
LUSH USA ($12.95)
What's your favourite Lush product?

Friday, October 4, 2013

My Nail Saviours

               As a nail polish junkie, I used to do a really bad thing - I took off my nail polish with my nails, which only resulted in horribly uneven and fickle nails. Needless to say, nail polish chipped off immediately and my nails broke constantly. One day I decided enough was enough, and bought Growth Spurt at a local nail salon. After putting on a coat or two every two days for about a week I saw a lot of improvement, and so it became a staple of mine - I use it as a base coat every time I change my polish, which is every week now. It's lasted me a long time considering how much I use it, and I think I'll be repurchasing it when it's finished - it's a great product at a great price (here in Chile it's considerably cheaper than the OPI version).

              The reason why I scratched off my polish in the first place was because my nail polish removers always left my fingers dry after I used it. Enter this funny-looking bottle: FYO is acetone free, and it also has keratin and almond oil to keep your fingers hydrated. After ten minutes of  trying to figure out how to use it (you turn the top part counter-clockwise and then you pump out the product into a cotton pad) I was marvelled - it took off polish quickly and it didn't dry out my fingers. I've already used half of it and I will be repurchasing after I finish it.

And that's it! What are your staple nail products?
Soy alguien que está obsesionada con los esmaltes de uñas, y antes hacía algo muy malo - me sacaba el esmalte con las uñas, lo que solo resultó en uñas débiles y horribles. Todos los esmaltes no me duraban nada y se me rompían las uñas a cada rato. Un día decidí que ya estaba bueno, y compré Growth Spurt en Intersalon. Después de ponerme una o dos capas cada dos días como por una semana, mis uñas mejoraron muchísimo, así que ahora lo uso cada vez que me pinto las uñas, como base. Me ha durado mucho considerando lo mucho que lo uso, y creo que volveré a comprarlo cuando lo termine - es un muy buen product a un precio muy asequible (acá en Chile es mucho más barato que la version OPI).
La razón por la que me sacaba el esmalte con las uñas en primer lugar es porque siempre que usaba el quitaesmalte, los dedos me quedaban demasiado resecos. Y de ahí apareció esta botella rara: FYO es un quitaesmalte que no tiene acetone y que además tiene keratina y aceite de almendras para hidratar los dedos. Después de estar diez minutos tratando de averiguar como se abría (mueves la parte de arriba en el sentido contrario del reloj y después apretas la tapa para abajo con un algodón para que salga el producto) estaba encantada - remueve el esmalte rápido y no te deja para nada los dedos secos. Ya llevo como la mitad y definitivamente lo volveré a comprar cuando lo termine.